
The State of Water Loss in Kentucky and Tennessee

In a report published in the spring 2019 issue of Straight from the Tap, David Osborne, PE, discusses the state of water loss -- also known as non-revenue water -- in Kentucky and Tennessee. Straight from the Tap is a publication of American Water Works Association Kentucky/Tennessee Section.

Mitch Long Promoted to GRW Vice President

Mitch Long, GRW's newest Vice President, shown at work, far left and at right. With Mitch above left are two other GRW Vice Presidents/Officers, Ben Fister, center, and Rob Hench, seated.
 Mitch Long, GRW's newest Vice President, shown at work, far left and at right. With Mitch above left are two other GRW Vice Presidents/Officers, Ben Fister, center, and Rob Hench, seated.

Mitch Long, PLS, CP, GISP, has been named GRW’s newest Vice President.